My Husband Doesn’t Post About Me on Social Media (and That’s Fine With Me)

A great read for anyone in relationships or who has opinions about posting on social media while in relationships.

This author shares a pretty similar outlook as myself in that my boyfriend and I are not incredibly open about our relationship on social media. We barely have any interaction on Facebook, probably because I only use it for work purposes, and he isn’t on Twitter or Instagram. Keeping our relationship to ourselves gives us the chance to appreciate each other in person and really share those special moments together. Every once in a while we will post things about each other, but mainly it would be sharing a picture or something along those lines. Either way, even though we are not professing our love for each other on social media every week, it doesn’t change the love that we do have an share for each other on a daily basis.

Like this original author stated, this is not meant to bash those that do enjoy expressing these feelings on social media and sharing with everyone. More power to you if that is what you want to do and what works for your relationship.

Enjoy the reading all!


We’ve all seen the posts. The sappy, romantic, love-letter-like, nearly obsessive social media posts that significant others put out there about each other. Sometimes the “Man-crush Mondays” and “Woman-crush Wednesdays” can be almost nauseating to scroll through each week, especially if that particular person seems to want to boast about their baewhat seems like every day of the week.

Annoying as these over-posters may be, I have to admit… I have caught myself feeling jealous of the women whose beaus gush and ogle over them online for everyone to see. It’s a strange female urge, I think, to feel adored, loved, even boasted about. As a gender we tend to be more openly self-conscious than men, feeling that we need the men in our lives to provide us with the self-confidence and self-worth we desire. I can’t think of any girl who wouldn’t like a boy to post a flattering…

View original post 669 more words

Want to Share your Experiences?

I apologize for the lack of posts as of late. Recently I have been going through yet another break up. Trust me, more posts are coming. In the meantime…if you have a story you would like to share, or need advice on anything dating related please feel free to reach out to me! Any stories, questions, or even images can be emailed to me at:

I know I am not the only one out there with crazy dating stories, tell me what’s happened to you!

Last Minute Cookies for Valentines

This year has been one of the few that I am actually looking forward to Valentine’s Day. I am really excited to be spending it with someone I care about and he actually makes me want to make something for him! Which is pretty shocking, at least if you ask those close to me. I decided I want to make this new man in my life something homemade for this hallmark holiday, and I settled on cookies. Not just any cookies though, my to die for Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies. There is something about having 3 kinds of chocolate in a cookie that makes it so much more decadent.

These cookies are honestly great for pretty much any type of situation. Make them for you and your friends this weekend or for you and a significant other, or hell, just for yourself! I would be lying if I said I haven’t made these cookies and kept them to myself.

Trust me, you want to read on for the recipe!

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