Bachelorette Recap: Week 4

And I swear I did start this episode immediately after I finished the Week 3 post. With the small break I took to buy a snack on the train. Watching Kaitlyn is quite an ordeal at times. For a second I want to talk about how boring watching the Bachelorette can be. It really is not as entertaining as the Bachelor. And I know, I am under no obligation to recap the show. But the more and more I watch the more I really dislike Kaitlyn. It’s now getting to a point where I feel invested and like I can’t give up and I really want to see her be a more interesting person. And stop making out with EVERYONE. You are not Juan Pablo.

Alright, so in Week 3, we left off with Kaitlyn going to confront Clint about how he is not genuine. Not sure if this is based off of his obsession with JJ or something else. Alright from what Kaitlyn is saying it sounds like the guys have just told her how much they dislike Clint and how he may be one of the biggest douchebags in Bachelor history. She looks pissed.  He looks oddly confident still. Even after Kaitlyn pulls him aside.

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Bachelorette Recap: Week 3

I know, I know. Week 5 of the Bachelorette airs tonight and I am JUST getting week 3 up. Lucky for you all, I am on a train for the next 6 hours, and plan to do nothing but recap week 3 & 4. Sadly this means I will not be back home in time to watch week 5 tonight….but I swear I’ll have it up before week 7 or 10.

Alright so quick reminder from Week 2…we were left with Kupah not wanting to accept that he was being sent home. This happened before the official rose ceremony, so no one else had been sent home. And we’re back into Week 3. Kupah is still standing in the front of the mansion yelling about how he just wants to answer the questions and go home, he just wants to go home. We keep seeing Kaitlyn be all like “oh my god, he’s being so dramatic”. Chill girl. He’s not being that dramatic, nor does it really seem to be any reason to get all concerned. The most conerning thing about this whole situation to me is his choice of wearing suspenders that are clearly doing NOTHING.  I mean it’s pretty obvious from this rant that Kupah is drunk, and obviously feels he should not go home. But isn’t this how pretty much every contestant leaves the show. Soooo this is like not that dramatic, by Bachelor standards.


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